Radical Creativity

I’ve recently started following the @creators account on @instagram with the hopes of learning how to fix my page since, after having posted a photo of “The Star”- a tarot card which depicts a naked woman at a river—my account was flagged and restricted, causing the algorithm to ignore my posts ever since.

What I’ve learned so far is quite alarming. As per the @creators account, you are to follow what others with popular profiles are doing, use the same music and do the challenge that is trending at the moment. For instance, drinking orange juice mixed with coffee was a very popular one that was sure to get you noticed by the algorithm. Um… no, thanks. The thought of that just made my stomach acidity rise to my lungs and cough.

Needles to say, I’m disappointed. I was imagining that, given the name of the account “creators”, this was going to be a space for innovative content on this platform. Alas, no. Far from it. Instead you are meant to copy, follow, and do what the majority of people are doing, fomenting homogeneity on all content even across countries and demographics. This is beyond disappointing, it’s flat out concerning.

What will become of the vast creative potential of the human spirit if it is made to be valued by following formulas that are validated by artificial intelligence?
What will humanity do if our younger generations, with their fresh and fearless views on life are constrained to follow trends so that they can be “liked”, “followed” and hence, achieve a sense of belonging?

We must defend the right to do, be, like and soundtrack our lives in whichever way our individual self wishes to do so.

I implore you, create what YOU love. Resist the trends and show us your unique special sauce, that’s the flavor the world wants!! Diversity, in all its expressions, is the only way to guarantee resilience in any ecosystem. And us, humans, we are ALIVE and need diverse expressions in order to survive and be inspired in the world.

I’m opening a new account: @casa.lune.paris on @instagram, dedicated to my Tarot and Astrogeography work, separate from my personal account @anaisabelmer which is getting no views after the algorithm saw the drawing of a naked female body in it (that subject deserves an whole other post 🥵).

Follow @casa.lune.paris for a journey of self awareness guided by the tarot and sprinkled with cosmic dust, from the magical city of light.

I LOVE your singularity!! 😘