Happy MOONday - Monday !

In my lifetime, I have moved at least 20 times and have lived in 5 countries so far, and even if some stays were shorter than others, I have always felt the need to nest, to create a sense of home - albeit a temporary one, wherever I go. This has been challenging at times, but I do it because my soul requires it; I am simply not the kind of person who can inhabit a space without somehow making it my own. Some years ago, when I began delving into my astrology, I understood where this need came from, and it all clicked as I learned about the fascinating Lunar Nodes, also known as Karmic Nodes. Although most people know their zodiac sun sign, very few know about the nodes, and what I have learned is that they hold the most powerful information when it comes to using astrology as a life tool for self-development and well-being (which is how I use it).

The Lunar Nodes are not planetary bodies but mathematical points in space. The South Node is known to represent the qualities and traits that your soul has brought into this lifetime from previous experiences. This can explain how some activities or roles in life can come easier to you than others; in a way, your soul has lived through those kinds of things already. On the other hand, the North Node represents the more challenging aspects of our development, those life roles that feel uncomfortable or hard to accomplish, but that will provide the biggest opportunities for your soul to achieve its purpose in this lifetime. The nodes are in an axis, so their energies are contrasting, they are polar opposites, so understanding them and consciously activating the North Node qualities in our life, is not the easiest thing but ultimately, the most satisfactory because doing so leads us into a path to self actualization.

Of course, WHERE (meaning, which house of the zodiac wheel) the North and South nodes live, can give us a lot more details as to HOW to go about activating those energies. This information is infallible and unique to each individual. The more I study different charts and help others understand their nodes, the more I confirm how powerful this information is.

I am very much a person of this Earth, I love her and I care for her (also in alignment with my Cancer NN!) and enjoy putting body in direct contact with her body by gardening, swimming, walking barefoot, hiking, or whichever other way I can. And, just as our ancestors who were in deep communion with the land in order to grow their food and have shelter, harnessing the solar and lunar energy to prosper here on Earth, us urbanites can also benefit from learning to use this information for our work and well-being. Learning to do so is wonderfully helpful in life, and I am delighted to share that with you.

Do you know what your Lunar Nodes are?